Here I am on the cusp of another birthday. No not sweet sixteen but fabulous fifty five. It seems like just the other day I was a green belt, still finding my way, wanting to learn that next form, still trying to get in shape and ready to spar whoever was in front of me. Now here I am nearly fourty years later still feisty, wanting to learn that next form and last night sparred very hard against a group of Black Belt candidates with my last match against a twenty eight year old in
peak physical condition.
When I was a kid I remember thinking my Dad seemed old at this age. He often took a nap on weekend afternoons and seemed to have a slower pace about him. I never could have imagined my father doing what I did yesterday. I guess we don’t always become our parents. I think in my case I have just had a lifetime habit of training and never stopped. There is still a teenager inside of me that keeps my mind on a positive track, and makes me think- where is the next fun thing I can do?
Last night was our Black Belt physical challenge testing. It is a training where we push ourselves physically through running, pushups, situps and sparring-hard sparring. I believe that this is also a peak emotional challenge for students to push themselves way past their usual expectations.
Treating kids different- Yes I think so. If we were to see kids in non karate clothes we would have a different expectation of them than if they donned their doboks. Now we will treat them different again because they will be wearing the coveted rank of Black Belt. We can see for certain these kids are destined for greatness because they know what hard work really is.
Breaking the old stereotypes.
Mr. Sullivan (aka “The Professor”) celebrated his fifty second birthday during the testing for third degree Black Belt. He is in every way admired for his physical performance (even with knee problems), his caring and helpful attitude to others in the school and his mentorship of all students he comes in contact with. He is a modern day samurai with his highest skill level in his character and how he passes this skill through his leadership.
Women in martial arts.
From the girls to the teens and women in our school we see only the best balance of gender and age. Mrs. Ciquera (whose husband is a Black Belt) exemplifies determination and spirit and all around growth in the field of martial arts. A working Mom of three continues to attack life in every way and inspires me with her inner strength. My mothers influence as a strong and driven woman makes appreciate the modern day matriarchs in our society breaking ground for future generations of females. Way to go Mrs. Ciquera!
We could not be prouder of you all!