Saturday, November 28, 2009

Korea 2010

A message from Kwan Jang Nim Sgro
Tang Soo Do "Founding Fathers Tour -
Korea 2010" in August

Hi All,
I'm sure you've heard about the Korea 2010 trip. I'd like to write this e-mail from a personal point of view to the senior students of SKTSD and the USG:
Kwan Jang Nim Voelker and myself were the ones who initiated this trip. We took a trip to Korea in 2007 to start setting this up. We were fortunate because Kwan Jang Nim Song Ki Kim and Kwan Jang Nim Ho Sik Pak liked the idea and ran with it. Kwan Jang Nim Voelker and myself put this trip together because we knew many of our senior students expressed a desire to "go to Korea" but it was more like a "dream".

We took action and were able to mobilize the entire World Dang Soo Do Union and the US Goodwill Tang Soo Do Association. I've personally been to Korea three times. I can say I look forward to this up and coming trip as I know it will really be amazing. We will have access to the most Senior Tang Soo Do Kwan Jang Nims (the Seniors of my teacher, KJN Song Ki Kim). I really don't want you to miss this because, having been the one who conceived of this trip - because of the size and magnitude of work in putting a trip like this together, I can honestly say. in my lifetime, I don't see a trip like this happening again. (I sure as heck wont tackle this one again!) I can't stress this enough - "this is a once in a lifetime trip!"
The "Tang Soo Do Founding Fathers Tour - 2010" will really be a great. We'll be staying in 5 Star Hotels, visiting all the great sites of Korea, training on exotic beaches, seeing "magazine cover quality" waterfalls, and visiting with the few remaining Senior Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Kwan Jang Nims still alive in Korea (connecting with our roots). This amazing event will take place from 4-12 Aug 2010. There will be a Dan Certificate Ceremony for Students who'd like to receive Certification from the World Dang Soo Do Union.

Words like "spectacular and amazing" (though often over used!) really wont describe this trip. This will truly be a "once in a lifetime trip" and I don't want you to miss it! Check out the link below and if you're considering on going - Shoot me a quick e-mail. I'll touch base with you regarding the various up and coming fundraising that we'll be doing to reduce the trip expense by as much as 50% (Kick-A-Thons, Yard Sales, Car Washes, Fundraiser's).
I'm really looking forward to being able to take a trip to the birthplace of Tang Soo Do with a group of senior students from SKTSD, USGTSDA, and the WDU. The last trip to Korea was 1995 (15 yrs ago), the one before that was 1989 (20 yrs ago). For a Tang Soo Do practitioner, this truly will be a "once in a lifetime trip".

We hope you can come.

Master Bogdanski

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Great Grandmaster

My teacher
Great Grandmaster Song Ki Kim

He has dedicated his life to the teaching of the traditional Korean Martial Art of Tang Soo Do.

· He has over 50 years experience of Tang Soo Do. (Dan #312)

· He started teaching in 1956.

· He was an Instructor of the Korean military army brigade at Osan, Korea in 1957.

· He founded the Tang Soo Do School at Osan US Air Force base(K-55) in Korea in March 1958.

· He founded the Tang Soo Do Regional headquarters at Kyoung Ki province of Korea in January 31, 1960.

· Over a thousand of his former students have become top Masters and Grand Masters around the world.

· He is currently the World Dang Soo Do Union President.

- Instructor to Chuck Norris

and a great golfer.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Essence of Tang Soo Do

The art of Tang Soo Do involves the development of the mind and the body. There are three areas of development that we focus on in our training: Neh Gung (Internal Energy), Weh Gung (External Energy) and Shim Gung (Mental/Spiritual Energy). Neh Gung can be considered our breath during our technique, Weh Gung is our body’s action (use of hip) and Shim Gung is our attitude; our discipline (Moo Do). Our Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee, introduced a systematic and scientific method of training to enable us to realize our full potential. Through this system, each area builds on the next and is progressively more involved. Our art consists of the following training areas:

* Ki Cho (Basic Motions)
* Hyung (Forms)
* Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun (One Step Sparring)
* Ho Sin Sool (Self-Defense)
* Ja Yu Dae Ryun (Free Sparring)
* Kyok Pa (Breaking)
* Moo Pahl Dan Khum (Breathing/Energy Exercises)

Ki Cho (Basic Motions)

There are many factors that make our Moo Duk Kwan style very unique under our Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee. One factor is our unique way to emphasize the use of hip (Hu Ri). The use of hip is extremely important in helping you to understand coordination of speed, power and balance. Proper use of hip will help you achieve higher levels in your training and in other physical activities that you may become involved with in the future.

To understand this unique aspect the first step in our training is to break down this application and apply its philosophy in basic hand (Blocking/Punching) and foot techniques (Kicking). As a result the use of hip is broken down into defense and offensive hip. The techniques used are taken from our Hyung (Forms). This basic process will aid in our understanding of the techniques that are later applied in more difficult situations. Ki Cho is the foundation of the techniques in Tang Soo Do.

Hyung (Forms)

Ancient people had a deep interest in the development of forms as well as a profound understanding of them. Below is a quote from the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji, which is the oldest documentation of Korean Martial Arts (300 Years), the author is unknown:

"Performing with hands and feet and conditioning the body is the beginning of the study of the art of Tang Soo Do. In actual combat, form does not seem in an obvious way to be a necessary part of the martial arts. However practicing forms perfects the ability to perform hand and foot techniques freely. This is fundamental to making the best use of one's body at all times."

Basic to all martial arts is this: After the basic movements are learned they are applied to and transformed into forms. As established, traditional and clearly defined sets of steps, jumps, blocks, kicks and punches, each of the forms in our art has a unity and purposed. The elements which make up the character or personality of a form are as follows:

1. Form Sequence
2. Power Control
3. Tension and Relaxation
4. Speed and Rhythm Control
5. Direction of Movements
6. Spirit or Attitude
7. Power of Technique
8. Understanding Form Technique
9. Distinctive Features of the Form
10. Perfect Finish
11. Precision of Movements
12. Intentness

These twelve elements may be used as a basis for evaluating a form and for the study of its improved performance.

The Hyung of Tang Soo Do were influenced by Ryu, or styles. One style is Weh Ga Ryu (Outside/External House Style). Weh Ga Ryu came from Southern Chinese Schools emphasizing speed, aggressiveness and dynamic action. Examples of the Weh Ga Ryu style are the Gi Cho Hyung, Pyung Ahn Hyung, and Passai. Another Ryu is Neh Ga Ryu (Inside/Internal House Style). Neh Ga Ryu came from Northern Chinese Schools emphasizing more deliberate technique, stability and fluid motion. Most of our advanced Hyung come from the Neh Ga Ryu, such as Nai Han Ji. The last Ryu is the Joong Gan Ryu (Middle Way Style) This Ryu was a Korean influence due to the fact that they had to be versatile because of the threat of living between China and Japan. The traditional Soo Bahk Hyung like the Yuk Ro Hyung and Chil Sung Hyung come from this style.

The types of moves in a Hyung are important to the character also. These techniques often represent something from nature. By symbolizing an animal in our Hyung we show a respect for nature, as we should for all life.
Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun (One Step Sparring)

Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun is pre-planned sparring with a partner that helps develop balance, focus and distance control. Through this area of training you will develop many effective combinations before being introduced to Free Sparring. When you begin Free Sparring, it will be easier for you to perform the techniques required. Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun is performed in a formal manner with a proper start, execution of the technique and a proper finish. It involves the following ceremony:

* Bow to your partner from the attention position
* Jhoon Bee (Ready Stance) together
* Measure distance
* Junior side challenges with Ha Dan Mahk Kee (Low Block) and proper Ki Hap
* Senior side response with Ki Hap
* Junior side performs Sang Dan Kong Kyuk (High Punch)
* Senior side defends attack performing Il Soo Sik exercise
* Both sides Ba Ro (Return to Ready Stance) together upon completion

Bowing to our partner (Sang Ho Kan E Kyung Ret) is of the utmost importance as it shows the Respect and Discipline that comprise one of our 5 Moo Do Values. Our training involves potentially dangerous techniques and without respect and discipline the techniques may be used in a negative manner. The physical action of bowing shows the constant mental awareness and concentration required, as well as respect towards yourself, your partner and towards the art.
Ho Sin Sool (Self-Defense)

Ho Sin Sool has been taught in Tang Soo Do classes since the Founder established the Moo Duk Kwan in 1945. Ho Sin Sool can be translated as follows:

* Ho: Protection, Defense
* Sin: One’s own body (Yourself)
* Sool: Technique

Ho Sin Sool begins with awareness of your surroundings, circumstances and potential threatening situations. With proper awareness a conflict should be prevented long before a physical confrontation takes place. Typically, the defender is grabbed and pulled in a variety of ways as a result; the defender needs to work in close quarters to escape the attack (grab or various weapons). The purpose of Ho Sin Sool is to subdue attackers (redirect aggressive force) using minimal physical power that could be much larger/stronger than you. "You can face danger with courage, but you need to have techniques to defend yourself."

Ho Sin Sool should use the energy of your partner against them. In most situations, when your attacker pushes, you pull away and if they pull, you push. The defender should understand the importance of striking quickly while maintaining the highest level of Shim Gung (Mental Energy). When put into submission the attacker should maintain shi sun (eyesight), good posture and move with the flow of energy for an overall harmonious demonstration.
Ja Yu Dae Ryun (Free Sparring)

Ja Yu Dae Ryun is designed to simulate real life-threatening combat. As a result this area is a great test of skill, as it demands not only mastery of individual techniques, but the ability to react and strategize skillfully against an aggressive attacker. Tactical knowledge of applications, as well as sensitivity towards the slightest change from full to empty in oneself and the attacker are of paramount importance. Ja Yu Dae Ryun may be practiced with a single partner, multiple partners, an attacker with a weapon or multiple armed attackers.

Kyuk Pa (Breaking)

Kyuk Pa is used primarily as a demonstration and test of striking and penetrating power. Wood, bricks, cement or tiles may be broken in Kyuk Pa, which is exhibited most often in formal testing. The simplicity of breaking makes it a popular choice for public demonstrations, as it conveys an aspect of technical pragmatism to an audience without any martial knowledge or experience. Any striking technique may be used for Kyok Pa, though generally the more sophisticated the technique, the more challenging the break.

Moo Pahl Dan Khum (Breathing/Energy Exercises)

Daily fitness exercises are part of the Asian culture, with hundreds or thousands of variations. These exercises called “Ki Gung” (Energy Cultivation) in Korean and “Chi Gung” in Chinese, fall into two major categories: Martial exercises which build health and increase ones power for self defense, and Scholarly exercises which are designed specifically for health. These exercises gently work the bones, ligaments, and muscles, as well as the internal organs, circulatory, immune, lymphatic and energy systems. The Moo Pahl Dan Khum are a set deep breathing exercises that mean the following:

* Moo: Military
* Pahl: Eight
* Dan: Level
* Khum: Of Value (Silk)

Moo Pahl Dan Khum and Moon Pahl Dan Khum are one such set of very old exercises developed to maintain health both internally and externally. They were originally based on an even older set of exercises called the Ship E Dan Khum (12 exercises). The Ship E Dan Khum were adapted by Marshal Yei, a famous Chinese military General, for his troops. They were divided into two sets, the Moo (Military) set of exercises and the Moon (Scholarly) set of exercises. The Moo Pahl Dan Khum consists of 8 standing exercises and the Moon Pahl Dan Khum consists of 8 sitting exercises.

Our Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee added the Moo Pahl Dan Khum exercises to Tang So Do Moo Duk Kwan's curriculum because he believed martial arts should be learned not only for self-defense, but also for the mental, physical and spiritual development.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Midnight Blue

The Philosophy of the Midnight Blue Belt

The way of life of a martial artist is dynamic. As we learn new concepts and skills, our DO (way of life) is slightly revised to take into consideration the implication of what we have learned. Sometimes this revision is not slight, but is sweeping across all aspects of our lives.

Midnight Blue is worn as a symbol of the wearer's humility and reminds one that perfection cannot be attained.

The Tang Soo Do philosophy considers "black" as a color which does not get darker therefore symbolizing an ending or death, which contradicts the Tang Soo Do philosophy.

Midnight blue symbolizes the knowledge which has been absorbed, but it is not so dark that it cannot absorb more color (knowledge). Thus, the midnight blue belt is seen only as a new beginning, where a student may continue to learn and refine their technique, and begin to gain greater insight into their art.

Midnight blue symbolizes many things; Water, which is necessary for life and growth, the autumn sky, which represents harvest time and the seasons, and much more positive ideals, which are in harmony with the Tang Soo Do philosophy. Midnight Blue is not better than Black, it just represents the Tang Soo Do philosophy more appropriately.

. The solid midnight blue belt is worn for 1st thru 3rd dans, with white stripes on the left end of the belt to indicate rank. For 4th dan (master level) and above, a midnight blue belt with a red stripe all the way through the center is worn. The red is supposed to put fire back in the Black Belt, motivating them to keep training.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ninja Master Felix Vasques

Shihan Felix Vasques- One of the greatest martial artists I have ever seen. Over my decades of training I have worked with many martial arts instructors. I have rarely seen any one individual with as much knowledge as Shihan.

His depth in self defense is unsurpassed. Weaponry, karate, jiu jutsu, kickboxing, ninjutsu, he does it all. And the quality of his students, just unbelievable! This video will give you a small snapshot of his skills. Training with Shihan Vasques transformed the way I learned and taught martial arts. His mentoring has had a great impact on how we train. In 1999 I competed in the World Cup in Hungary and won a gold medal in self defense- using the techniques I learned from Ninjutsu Grandmaster Shihan Felix Vasques.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Message From Thailand!

Dear Mr. B,

I'm raising my mug to you this evening...

I have on of the most successful English Learning centers in the city of Udon Thani... and the credit for my business success goes to you. You taught me so much more than Karate, thanks for taking me under your wing and teaching me how to run and market a successful business.

Top 5 things you taught me:

-Make your business a social event where friends and family come to catch up with their friends.... or make new friends

-Bring a friend coupons... (best business idea in the world)

-physiology is some 70% of the message, voice quality 20 and content 10... and praise correct praise, raise the bar (I never forgot... nobody else ever taught me that in all the leadership and teaching classes I ever took)

-black belt excellence in everything, even the window washer with the squeegee

-inspire your students/customers to have self-confidence... teach them about values and bravery... help them to be the people that they really want to be. That sir, is not only something worth living for or even dedicating a whole life to, but it also nets wonderful amounts of profit at the same time.

Every few years, I find myself feeling truly indebted to you ... and once again, now that I'm a business man and a teacher... I find myself thinking, "Wow, Mr. B. taught me that too."

Your Student,

Shawn R. Veltheim

Thanks Mr Veltheim!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eric Breuer

Grandmaster Eric Breuer

This is a bio of a good friend. He has multiple Black Belts and even one from Chuck Norris! We have had advanced training and Black Belt certification in his Universal way.

Bouncer chronicles- How to hire a bouncer

When I was running my nightclub in the 70s and 80s we often started our after work play around 3am.  My shift started at 6pm where we preppe...