A message from Kwan Jang Nim Sgro
Tang Soo Do "Founding Fathers Tour -
Korea 2010" in August
Hi All,
Tang Soo Do "Founding Fathers Tour -
Korea 2010" in August
Hi All,
I'm sure you've heard about the Korea 2010 trip. I'd like to write this e-mail from a personal point of view to the senior students of SKTSD and the USG:
Kwan Jang Nim Voelker and myself were the ones who initiated this trip. We took a trip to Korea in 2007 to start setting this up. We were fortunate because Kwan Jang Nim Song Ki Kim and Kwan Jang Nim Ho Sik Pak liked the idea and ran with it. Kwan Jang Nim Voelker and myself put this trip together because we knew many of our senior students expressed a desire to "go to Korea" but it was more like a "dream".
We took action and were able to mobilize the entire World Dang Soo Do Union and the US Goodwill Tang Soo Do Association. I've personally been to Korea three times. I can say I look forward to this up and coming trip as I know it will really be amazing. We will have access to the most Senior Tang Soo Do Kwan Jang Nims (the Seniors of my teacher, KJN Song Ki Kim). I really don't want you to miss this because, having been the one who conceived of this trip - because of the size and magnitude of work in putting a trip like this together, I can honestly say. in my lifetime, I don't see a trip like this happening again. (I sure as heck wont tackle this one again!) I can't stress this enough - "this is a once in a lifetime trip!"
We took action and were able to mobilize the entire World Dang Soo Do Union and the US Goodwill Tang Soo Do Association. I've personally been to Korea three times. I can say I look forward to this up and coming trip as I know it will really be amazing. We will have access to the most Senior Tang Soo Do Kwan Jang Nims (the Seniors of my teacher, KJN Song Ki Kim). I really don't want you to miss this because, having been the one who conceived of this trip - because of the size and magnitude of work in putting a trip like this together, I can honestly say. in my lifetime, I don't see a trip like this happening again. (I sure as heck wont tackle this one again!) I can't stress this enough - "this is a once in a lifetime trip!"
The "Tang Soo Do Founding Fathers Tour - 2010" will really be a great. We'll be staying in 5 Star Hotels, visiting all the great sites of Korea, training on exotic beaches, seeing "magazine cover quality" waterfalls, and visiting with the few remaining Senior Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Kwan Jang Nims still alive in Korea (connecting with our roots). This amazing event will take place from 4-12 Aug 2010. There will be a Dan Certificate Ceremony for Students who'd like to receive Certification from the World Dang Soo Do Union.
Words like "spectacular and amazing" (though often over used!) really wont describe this trip. This will truly be a "once in a lifetime trip" and I don't want you to miss it! Check out the link below and if you're considering on going - Shoot me a quick e-mail. I'll touch base with you regarding the various up and coming fundraising that we'll be doing to reduce the trip expense by as much as 50% (Kick-A-Thons, Yard Sales, Car Washes, Fundraiser's).
Words like "spectacular and amazing" (though often over used!) really wont describe this trip. This will truly be a "once in a lifetime trip" and I don't want you to miss it! Check out the link below and if you're considering on going - Shoot me a quick e-mail. I'll touch base with you regarding the various up and coming fundraising that we'll be doing to reduce the trip expense by as much as 50% (Kick-A-Thons, Yard Sales, Car Washes, Fundraiser's).
I'm really looking forward to being able to take a trip to the birthplace of Tang Soo Do with a group of senior students from SKTSD, USGTSDA, and the WDU. The last trip to Korea was 1995 (15 yrs ago), the one before that was 1989 (20 yrs ago). For a Tang Soo Do practitioner, this truly will be a "once in a lifetime trip".
We hope you can come.
Master Bogdanski