정신 소리지르 - Ki Hap
정신 소리지르 Ki Hap: More than just a yell Kwan Jhang Nim Charles Ferraro The Korean word Ki Hap means to concentrate or focus the life force. You may have heard Ki Hap referred to as a "spirited shout". The spirit shout is, in fact, an important tool for learning to develop Ki Hap, but like so many aspects of modern day training the outward physical trappings of Ki Hap practice have become confused with the internal function itself by those who don’t have a clue as to what a Ki Hap is. The fact is, Tang Soo Do masters are capable of focusing their spirit through their weapons (hands and feet) without shouting. Some masters are capable of projecting and focusing the life force without even moving, much less shouting. There is an old Okinawan story about a 19th century marital arts master who was challenged to a duel by another karate adept. They met at dawn in a field outside the village where they lived. Each man expected a fight to the death. As the master approached the field...