10 Things To Do To Become A Better Black Belt
Advice from Ultimate Black Belt Test Coach Tom Callos: 1: Get and stay in great shape (of course); this comes from doing a variety of things, including consistent and sensible exercise/practice, proper nutrition, and maintaining a positive mental attitude. 2: Practice your martial art, whatever it is made up of, in a way that is congruent with your body, capabilities, and goals; hone your skills to the nearest point of perfection that you can muster. 3: Become familiar with the top 10 killers of adult males, females, teens, and children --and include these issues in your understanding, practice, and/or teaching of self-defense. If you are a particularly serious practitioner, then include the top 10 to 20 issues sited to cause people the most unhealthy stress and/or fear. 4: Study (learn more about) Eastern/Western history and philosophy, as without an understanding of the beliefs, attitudes, and circumstances of the people who originated the practices, methodology, and philosophies o...