It was summer, June I think when I was doing some work in my car to install a new 8 track (you remember those don’t you?). I had contorted my body to get under the dashboard when I twisted the wrong way and threw out my back. Pain shot down into my lower back so badly I was now unable to extricate myself from this position. I tried, i squirmed, I pushed and I pulled but this condition was getting worse by the minute.
Just then my Father came walking into the garage. I yelled to him I need some help and he grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me out. With this help I was able to get to a crooked but standing position and limp back into the house. Racked with pain I was barely able to move. For the time being, karate training was over.
My back recovered but I still had not returned to class. One day in August, I was walking through the local department store and ran into my teacher, Sensei Joe DeGuzman. He asked how I was and I told him what happened to my back. His next question was “when are you coming back to karate?” I said previously that I had quit karate but that was not true. I only took a short break.
My answer- Tuesday.
Now you know when I see our students that have not been training I always ask the same question.
When are you coming back to karate. It is a question that changed my life.