
Showing posts from May, 2020

De- Stress

De-stress your kids  (and yourself) If you haven’t felt any stress during this pandemic then you must be superhuman.  This time in our lives will be recorded as one of the most emotionally draining ever.  The shift of our culture, the change in our daily routines, and social isolation all contribute to the stress families are feeling.  We may not be able to totally remove stress but surely can take steps to reduce it.  Here are a few suggestions. Step 1 - Healthy eating.  Your body is your temple.  You have all heard this mantra about food.  Imagine you owned a million-dollar racehorse.  You probably wouldn't feed it candy and cookies all day.  Fruit and vegetables are definitely the prescriptions for fueling the body for energy and clarity.  Prime your body for good health and immunity from disease by eating fresh fruits and veggies. Step 2 - Exercise.  Your kids don’t need the Marine Corp ...