
Over ten years ago I had my first Brazilian Jiu jutsu experience. It was just a short time after the first UFC and I got a chance to train with Rickson Gracie. I felt like a beginner again. It was cool and scary as he swung me into an arm bar. Yes, I tapped immediately!

Here it is years later, BJJ is mainstream and I am completing my preparation for blue belt testing. Sometime this coming year Kristin Duethorn, David Salisbury and I will be testing for our blue belts under David Meyer a Machado BJJ Black Belt.

I have had many instructors over my 35+ years of training but I still think of my first teacher Jose Deguzman. He passed away a few years ago but I hope I am still making him proud of me. Thank you Sensei for instilling a love of martial arts in me.

Always a student....


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