Thursday, December 23, 2010

Midnight Blue

Winds Of Change

Over the years we have constantly strived to improve our martial arts program. Some years it was adding new material, some years it was taking some out (because it was too much) but we have always worked on the concept of never ending improvement.

One thing that we have always stayed true to would be our base style of Tang Soo Do. Although we have integrated many martial arts systems into our curriculum, this Korean style of martial arts has given us guidance with the codes, tenets and philosophy. The character values of our Tang Soo Do has never failed us in making great Black Belts.

Over the years we have modified the traditional belt system in order to adapt to needs of younger students creating the tiny tiger, little dragon and children's curriculum and belt system.

We underwent another change. The traditional Tang Soo Do Belt philosophy has always been to wear a Midnight Blue belt in place of a Black Belt. Midnight Blue is worn as a symbol of the wearer's humility and reminds one that perfection cannot be attained.

The Tang Soo Do philosophy considers "black" as a color which does not get darker therefore symbolizing an ending or death, which contradicts the Tang Soo Do philosophy. When TSD came to this country some tournaments would not allow practitioners entry into Black Belt divisions and so the adopting of Black Belts (out of necessity) was born. It is our goal to return to the tradition of Midnight Blue. In the last few years we have begun training under Grandmaster Song Ki Kim, the oldest living Grandmaster in Tang Soo Do. He embodies the true art in many different ways and we want to follow his direction and philosophy.

Finally- the wearing of Midnight Blue belt more accurately reflects the spirit, attitude and direction we desire for the future of our school.

Master Bogdanski Master Duethorn
It has been a whole year since we made the switch.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

UNSU- Cloud Hands

While on our trip to Korea my group of senior Dan members enjoyed a morning training with Grandmaster Estioko.
First I want to say the setting of overlooking the ocean on Jeju island was breathtaking. Second, having the opportunity to train with the Grandmaster was a privilege onto it’s own. Thirdly, learning a new form is still exciting to me even after fourty two years in martial arts.
Our form today is titled Unsu. Unsu translates as "cloud hands", a very advanced hyung also practiced in Japanese karate. It includes a 360 degree jump, spinning techniques on one leg, one finger attacks from a cat stance, kicks from the floor and several other techniques not seen in any other Tang Soo Do hyung.

The opening sequence of the form highlights the rise of the sun along the horizon, the finger spear represent thunderbolts from the heavens and the jump symbolizes a hurricane.
This form has many different techniques and strategies. One unique quality is employing examples of defense from the ground. You can learn to fight from a disadvantage, and how to fight in a way that helps you get back to your feet after being down. I believe this is a strategy all students should have practice in.
At the beginning of our training we bowed to the sun for its light and warmth that it provided to us. We were taught by Kwan Jang Nim to respect nature as it aids us, including the water, air and wind and how it graces our lives. We were also reminded to respect the power that nature employs on occasions as we anticipated the monsoon that was approaching the island. The day after the training session we just barely made it off the island to Busan before the airport was shut down. At the completion of the training we bowed to mother earth for the richness it provided for us.
As many other USG members trained in different groups on the beachfront I wondered if they were as awed as I was by this unique opportunity that had been presented to us. Thousands of mile from home, here in the heartland of Tang Soo Do we had the opportunity to do what many have dreamed of.
Smiling, sweating and learning, Kwan Jang Nim Estioko demonstrated that at no matter at what age you are, once you tie your belt on you can transform yourself to a spry and springy Dan member. He demonstrated all of the form for us, including dropping to the ground and the 360 degree kick. Wow! He sets a great example to all of us. Thanks for the great class sir!

By Mike Bogdanski, Chil Dan
Putnam, CT.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Filial Piety

This is a huge concept in Korea. This is the Japanese version.

The Warrior’s Filial Piety – Honoring Your Parents and Ancestors

Most cultures have a version of what is called filial piety which represents the concept of honoring your parents and ancestors; and in the martial arts culture your teacher, your sempai or those senior to you, as well as your kohai or those lower than you.

Basically, filial piety means to be good to one’s parents; to take care of one’s parents; to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one’s parents and ancestors; to perform the duties of one’s job well so as to obtain the material means to support parents as well as carry out sacrifices to the ancestors; not be rebellious, show love, respect and support; display courtesy; ensure male heirs, uphold fraternity among brothers; wisely advise one’s parents, including dissuading them from moral unrighteousness; and display sorrow for their sickness and death.

This concept is carried on in the martial arts school, as a Sensei (One Who Walked Before) is seen as a father figure and the grandmaster is seen more like a grandfather.

Many schools today have drifted into the world of modern sport and yet classical arts that have been handed down for thousands of years are very deep in protocol and manners where a student can show respect and honor. Here are a few guidelines from my notes as to the correct way of behaving for the classical martial artist.

1. Always honor one’s family, and give without the expectation of receiving. Strive for family honor. It is a lifetime responsibility.

2. Second to one’s family, honor your teacher. They are to be treated like a father or mother who gave you the art of life. Give and sacrifice ‘without the expectation of receiving. It is a lifetime responsibility for one’s official teacher.

3. Treat your fellow students as a brother or sister. By giving and helping them to be better, in truth this will strengthen yourself.

4. Senior students, be humble. Treat junior students (kohai) as equals, thus, enabling you to have the respect and position of a senior.

5. Junior students, be respectful to your senior (Sempai). Their treatment of you as an equal is a sign that they are starting to understand deeper knowledge and are worthy of senior respect. This humbleness is to be respected. It is said, the stalk of rice with the most fruit bows the lowest.

6. Never consider yourself knowledgeable, regardless of time in training. We are only on a staircase that is very long and with no apparent end. The most advanced martial artist will empty their cup and become a white belt as any time.

7. Recognize that everyone will have strengths greater than yourself and weaknesses, regardless of their time in the art. Try to help their weaknesses. In time your weaknesses will be eventually strengthened. Never be afraid to admit you do not know.

8. Senior students are responsible to demonstrate the “code of ethics” in and out of class. This example shows that you yourself don’t consider your art separate from your everyday life, that it is part of everything. This demonstrates the strength of your art and makes good practitioners and teachers.

9. Rely on your teacher’s judgment as best as one can. Many times you may not agree with policies, or actions, but it is your responsibility to stand behind them and strive for better understanding as junior students do towards you. Remember one is just on a step or a path and possibly the next step will give you better understanding of the overall journey.

10. Remember teachers are human. They make mistakes and have human problems like anyone else. Realize that no one will be a perfect example. It is this kindness and understanding that makes you strong by respecting this humanness and appreciating their gains of self-perfection in one’s total-ness. ”

11. Be an example of courtesy, regardless of what step you are on in your growth. Courtesy in and out of class is a sign of strength. By giving courtesy, you get courtesy and respect. Use yes ma’am and no ma’am, yes sir and no sir, never calling a senior by their first name is an example of courtesy.

12. Empty your cup of tea. Allow criticism and suggestions by anyone. Students who often have less time in can offer suggestions or catch something that is very true and helpful, if you are open. Remembering that we are an equal human beings helps. Thinking we know a lot, means we know little.

13. Never openly criticize your teacher. Hold your doubts or criticisms to yourself and possibly your view will change later on the matter. Criticizing back to your teacher says you are their equal in knowledge. This is considered very poor code and essentially you need another teacher. In the old days this was dealt with very strictly, today these actions will simply result in a student being asked to leave.

14. Don’t think of criticism as personal. Criticism is only suggestions or sharing to gain better refinement from outside eyes. This is the reason to take classes in the first place. Teachers are no different and need criticism from their seniors to grow. Without self-examination created by suggestions or criticism, one is no better off than reading a book. We need other eyes to tell the real story.

15. Pride. Carry yourself earnestly; try your best even if it’s not up to your expectations. Disregard other people’s expectations of yourself. Doing your best for yourself gives you honor and pride.

16. Practice to contain one’s ego. Approach practice with a smile and from that you will get better at it. Containment of one’s ego is essential for proper energy and total-ness. Remember proper energy is sharing and not competitive unless you make it so.

17. The showing of too much power in any joint exercises shows you have low-level ego containment. Use of technique with kindness and appreciation is a sign of strength. To intimidate others is low level. Demonstrate containment; this is a sign of strength. It is a personal test to try not to get even when someone betters you. Compliment them. Do not feel degraded by being bettered. Appreciate this as being personally helpful. They are giving you something to work on for the future. Like iron wrapped in cotton, the true warrior is gentle unless needed to be rough.

18. Tenacity. It is your responsibility to try your best in all classes. Do not allow your self to just follow or stand idle. Practice yourself, regardless of your grasp or ability of the technique. It is your responsibility to not complain of tiredness or your ability to do the practice. Tenacity is the ability to keep trying with or without the teacher. By doing this you will always feel better when you leave, and you will gather honor and respect. Idleness means idle instruction in return. One reason you take instruction is to practice tenacity of learning.

19. Cleanliness. Refined cleanliness means refined mind. Clean clothes and body show by example the honor and ethics you hold.

20. Never ask for more knowledge or to be able to test for a new rank. Let the teachers decide when you are ready. To ask is a sign that you have down what has already been given you. Remember any knowledge has a lifetime of perfecting. By working hard on what you have is the first sign that you are getting ready for more and deserve it. (In modern organizations, and in a mastermind or coaching atmosphere, this asking for what’s next or for additional resources is common)

21. Always remember your teacher’s birthday, black belt testing, Christmas, etc. Give them some gift of appreciation from your heart no matter how small. This sign of thoughtfulness and respect allows a bond that makes the teacher feel appreciated, and usually they reciprocate by genuinely wanting to further your knowledge from this appreciation. A true Sensei is a teacher for life.

22. If you are far away from your teacher and you visit them or any other teachers, it is proper to bring them a small gift each time. This can be food for casual visits or presents suitable for more important visits. This is traditionally important. In Kojosho Kempo, the most precious gift of all is when your teacher bends over and picks up a stone off the ground and hands it to you in recognition of your achieving your highest level.

23. If you have had a falling out with your teacher, but want to reestablish your connection, it is most important to bring a gift upon your “first” contact and to give your humble apology, regardless of whether you feel it is totally deserved. A good teacher will always accept a good apology regardless if they feel they were wrong or you were wrong. “Saving face” most times does not allow the teacher the flexibility of the student. Traditionally a teacher must follow protocol which is not understood by the student until years later.

24. Anytime one invites the teacher over to their home or anywhere else, it is essential that there is always food and drink available. This shows good manners and respect.

These rules may seem a little much for the average civilian, but in the land of true warriors filled with alpha male types, it is important that we learn and teach methods of behavior in every way we can. In America, we teach our young men to honor the women of the organization by opening doors, standing when a lady leaves a table, etc. Chivalry is alive and well in the warrior’s house. Like a sheepdog caring for his herd and ever vigilant against wolves of all kinds, the senior and advance warriors take that position of protection any time they sense a threat. Likewise, the juniors help and defend the alpha seniors and make sure they always have their back, and through actions and deeds demonstrate their loyalty and dedication.

Terry Bryan, American Black Belt Academy

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Korea Trip 2010

Today we are heading to the land of the morning calm- South Korea. Everyone who trains in martial arts dreams about training in the country of their art. This will be a reality for many American Tang Soo Do students.

I am very excited about the trip. I am a travel junkie and have been to many parts of the United States and overseas. The trip is scheduled to start out of JFK where we will meet several other association members that will travel with us to Korea.
A fourteen hour fight will get us into Seoul where we will pick up our west coast members and head to the DMZ. Lately there has been a lot of saber rattling from the north so we think the alert level will be very high. This first day we will also tour one of the five castles that are in Seoul. We plan to stay in Seoul before we head south to Song Tan, where Chuck Norris received his Black Belt.

In Song Tan we will train in ancient Korean weapons at Hwa seoung fortress and train with Grandmaster Song Ki Kim- highest ranking Tang Soo Do Black Belt in the world.
Stay tuned for more!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ultimate Black Belt Test

This is from Master Instructor Tom Callos and his modern version of Black Belt testing. I believe Tom is the premier martial arts "thinker" and "doer" in modern history. I have studied his technology of martial arts progressivism and am amazed daily at how innovative and traditional his thinking can be. Well done Tom.


* 50,000 push ups
* 50,000 ab exercises
* 1000 rounds of sparring/rolling
* 1000 repetitions of a single kata
* 1000 miles of running, walking, swimming, and/or biking
* 20 hours with a professional boxing coach
* 20 hours of BJJ or judo training
* Completion of Body-for-Life diet/training program -or equivalent

Empathy Training

* 1 day blind
* 1 day deaf
* 1 day mute
* 1000 acts of kindness
* 50,000 acts through students and community
* Mend 3 relationships gone bad
* Fix three "wrongs" you've done in your life


* Profile 10 living heroes
* Interview a Master
* Set and achieve 10 personal victories
* Read 1 dozen books
* Write 1 chapter of a book compiled by all participants
* 52 on-line journal entries
* 15 minutes of formal daily meditation
* Begin and/or achieve teacher certification in at least 1 method of reality-based self-defense (RAD, SAFE, FAST DEFENSE, JYF, Etc.)

Community Activism

* 1 community-based environmental clean up project
* *Designing and giving minimum of 10 public self-defense seminars, lectures, and/or workshops with objective of teaching 1000 people.
* Participation in 3 UBBT events

Optional or alternative requirement suggestions

* 1000 prayers
* Buy nothing new for 1 year
* The reduction of disposable plastic use by 40% to 90%
* 100 pieces of art

A Lesson in Black Belt Testing

Team members, current and alumni; please allow me to remind/inform you of some of my beliefs/thoughts about our relationship and this “project.”

1. The black belt test is a sacred experience, but only if you treat it as such.

In my mind, when I say “black belt test” –it is a call to rise, it is to be treated with the utmost respect, it is a call to action. A black belt test is your own personal “Olympics” –and it calls you to train, to prepare, to rise to the occasion, and to evolve as an athlete and a person.

Do YOU have another event/thing in your life that asks so much of you? Perhaps you hear this call with parenting and/or with your significant other or with your career?

BUT, being that this is our life’s work, we would do well to hold the black belt test and the preparation for testing in the most sacred of places.

2. When it comes to your black belt test, require nothing. Nobody has to remind you.

Nobody has to wake you for training. No event, no obstacle, no injury, no bout of depression keeps you from preparing for the event.

You might miss a wedding, you might forget a birthday or an anniversary, but your training is who you are and how you work on yourself.

It’s your air, your survival mechanism; it is the outward manifestation of who you really are on the inside –and who you aspire to be. In your mind you hear the call to your test like an ever-present ringing in the ears.

You don’t sit at the dinner table, you don’t lift your feet into bed, you don’t breath, drink, stretch, or move without an acute awareness that you are testing for your black belt.

Very few people on this planet are bound by the code that you are. Very few people know how to apply themselves the way you are training yourself to do. Very few people treat their black belt test with the respect and reverence that you do –and this, my friends, is how you hone what it is you have given your life for.

3. You are part of a team. You may be a part of many teams, and some of them are very important to you, but in this endeavor you must cultivate an awareness of “team” in a way that warrants the most extraordinary care.

The fabric of the UBBT is woven on something intangible.

It is a recognition of our place in history –it is an understanding that collectively we stand to influence and change and improve the processes, the outcome, the culture, the direction, and the essence of “what is the martial arts.”

I am sitting at a table on my deck on The Big Island –and you are reading this in your own home or office –but we could just as easily be sitting next to each other.

This is the nature of the internet –and of a kind of connection, facilitated by our communication, that ignores distance and time differences.

Someday in the future I will be gone –and this body of work will be what I made of my life. This work will be what I did, what I worked on, and how I made my way. I might be remembered, for a time, as a very dedicated martial arts practitioner and teacher.

This is it.

This work, these messages, the call to treat our “test” and each other with a rare sort of respect, these ideas ---of peace, kindness, activism, environmentalism, anger management, leadership, purpose, intent, and mission ---this is what I/we will leave behind.

NOW is the time to recognize the opportunity we have to make change. We are not like Charles Barkley, who I heard declared he “was not a role model.” We are treating our position with the understanding that we are role models –and we are acting as if what we do –and how we go about it –will influence the quality of life in a million people who follow us.

All of this affects the solemnity of how I expect you to treat our relationship. TO treat it any other way would be far, far from “the ultimate.”

By treating our "black belt test" with this kind of respect, we make "being" a black belt something
Posted by From the Desk of Tom Callos

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Six Fold Path

The Six-Fold Path is related to the Chil Sung Hyung in its intent of development. Where they differ is that the Chil Sung Hyung are intended to develop the artist as a person. The Yuk Ro Hyung are intended to develop the artist as a warrior.

The Yuk Ro are described as:

Du Mun - The Great Gate - As a martial artist, you must open your mind to information. Indeed, the gateway to the mind if often the most difficult to open, and why it is known as the Great Gate.

Joong Jol - Cut the Middle - As a martial artist, much of the information that passes through the Great Gate will be either useful information that is obscured by fluff, pure nonsense, or perhaps, purely useful knowledge.

Po Wol - Embrace the Moon - When you've cut through the middle and sorted what has passed through the Great Gate, embrace the information you've discovered and make it part of your energy.

Yang Pyun - High Whip - You will come to a point where your martial art skill will be at its highest, and as a warrior, you will be like a lone man, high atop a hill, wielding a whip, and no one will be able to touch you.

Sal Chu - Killing Hammer - Further down the road, you will have so much knowledge and power that you'll be able to kill with one blow, like a heavy hammer against your enemy.

Choong Ro - Seize and Capture - You will realize that with all your knowledge, it is not being untouchable or being able to kill with one blow that makes you a skilled martial artist, but being able to capture your enemy WITHOUT causing injury.

By practicing the Yuk Ro, you walk the path to becoming a great and noble warrior.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Old Concepts- New Ideas

Itosu's Ten Teachings Karate does not derive from Buddhism or Confucianism. In olden times two styles, called Shorin style and Shorei style, came from China. We consider that both have distinct advantages and should not be altered or combined - they should be left as they are.

1. The aim of karate is not only to train the body. If you train at karate eventually you will gain the spirit to be able to sacrifice yourself for your ruler or nation. Never fight over insignificant matters; do not fight ruffians or villains. Avoid such people as often as possible.

2. Training in karate will make your muscles powerful and your body strong. As a result you will develop a courageous spirit. If you train at karate from childhood you will find that you are able to make a great contribution to society, even as a soldier. For example, the Duke of Wellington said after his victory over Napoleon the First, "Our victory was because we exercised and played disciplined games when we were at school.

3. You cannot master karate easily, or in a short time. The process is like a herd of cows grazing across a field. No matter how slow the herd moves it will eventually reach the end. Even if it moves slowly it could cover 100 miles. If you train one or two hours every day, your body will change after 3 or 4 years - you will get to the core of karate.

4. The most important point in karate is "Ken-soku" (fist-foot), so use the makiwara to develop these weapons. Keep your shoulders down, expand your chest and develop your power. Root your stance to the ground. What you have to do is 100 to 200 punches every day.

5. In the upright stance of karate you must keep your back straight and your shoulders down while keeping your legs strong and then focus your attention on the tanden.

6. There are many movements in karate. When you train you must try to understand the aim of the movement and its application. You have to take into account all possible meanings and applications of the move. Each move can have many applications.

7. When you train in karate you must study in advance whether the application of each move is more useful for training or defence.

8. When you train in karate you should train as though you were in the battlefield fighting the enemy. You should keep your shoulders down and fix yourself in the stance. When you block or thrust you should picture the enemy. In so doing you will gradually master how to fight in a real battle.

9. Your training must be according to your bodily strength. If your training is too great for your condition, it is not good for you. Your face will turn red, as will your eyes, and you will damage yourself.

10. People who train at karate usually enjoy a long life. This is because the training strengthens muscles, improves the digestive organs, and strengthens the blood circulation system. I think that from now on karate should be introduced to the curriculum of the Elementary Schools and in doing so we could produce men capable of defeating ten enemies single-handed.

Ankoh Itosu.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Friend Scotty


A few years ago I attended the World cup, a prestigious martial arts tournament held in Hungary. A large group from the U.S.A. attended including some physically and mentally challenged students. We trained for several months and were looking forward to visiting Europe.

I chatted with many of the people on the team. The group had a lot of age ranges including children, teens and adults into their fifties. There was a big group of teens flying over with us. One boy in particular I had met before and his name is Scotty. Scotty was one of the challenged members.

He suffered from spina bifida as a child and used crutches to make his way around. His balance was very compromised and his legs had very little strength but he had the heart and courage of a lion. Scotty is a Black Belt. Maybe not a Black belt in the traditional sense, but for a person with his means he knew all the requirements as well as a person with his challenges could. This kid was an absolute charmer. His personality was all sunshine and people were attracted to his charm and outgoing attitude.
As we got to know Scotty better we began to see him more from the inside than from the outside.

At the tournament Scotty was going to perform in a category called forms where a person is judged on power, speed, and balance as they execute kicks, punches and blocks in a choreographed individual routine. Scotty, who boldly entered in a teen category, fared not too well. Teenagers with strong bodies were tough competition and Scotty didn’t come close to winning a medal.

During the course of the day his American teammates did well and Scotty was the first one there to congratulate them. He shared in the excitement of other teammates victory even though he hadn’t been able to win anything himself. Later that afternoon there was another division for the teenage Black Belts to compete in. The self defense division was a competition where an individual would defend himself against an attacker.
The same standards were required as before, speed, power and balance. Scotty had passed on competing in a handicap division, saying, “That was for people with real challenges”!

The division was under way and Scotty was ready. There were many other contests going on in the auditorium but when Scotty went up it seemed that everyone stopped what they were doing to watch. Here Scotty went, awkwardly walking up to the judges to introduced himself and his partner. The judges nodded with approval signifying that it was all right to step back and begin. As Scotty and his partner began I saw a change. Scotty stood a little straighter, his eyes became as focused as a laser beam, his face was deadly serious and then the attacker came at him.

A punch was launched at his face and he used a crutch to block it away and then turned it into a strike doubling his opponent over. The audience just gasped! The attacker rose again and again but the deft strokes of Scotty’s crutches blocked and struck again with unerring precision. After about a minute of constant attacks Scotty’s finalized his defense by sweeping his attackers legs out from under him and pinned him to the ground with a crutch.

Silence, not a word or sound from any one.

Then it began. Clapping. More clapping. Then a thunderous roar of clapping resounded from the rafters. All the Black Belt teenagers in his competition ran over and started hugging Scotty like a long lost brother.
The kids hoisted him up onto their shoulders and paraded him around like he was Babe Ruth hitting a homerun to win the world series. The applause went on for fifteen minutes straight.

That weekend we got to hang around with the World Cup Black Belt self defense gold medalist. We called him Champ but he said we could call him Scotty.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Grappling Tournament

Well here we go. Silver medal at the NAGA tournament. The divisions were small so I was upgraded from intermediate to advanced. It was a fun match but I lost by two points. It was a long day waiting (just like the karate tournaments) and I must have warmed up twenty times before my division actually started.
In my lifetime have competed in over 200 karate tournaments. Some weekends we competed in two. I remember one Saturday on Long Island (Joyce Santamaria) and then a Sunday (Butch Marino) back in Connecticut. I even competed in Europe and Australia as well as all over the USA. My last tournament was in Maui around five years ago. I won trophies in sparring, forms and weapons. I watched a grappling tournament a year ago to see how it was run and it looked like fun so I thought; let’s try something new.
I was surprised how jittery I was in anticipation. I guess watching all the UFC shows didn’t help. The match was four minutes long and I should have prepped more with that short time frame in mind. When the match started we ended up in a randori position grabbing the gi. I moved him around some because of my strength. He attempted two takedowns and I was able to counter. We moved around some and down we went. I was able to get him in my guard although watching the video I didn’t establish a closed guard. I had him in a Kimura but was unable to finish. I did manage to roll him, we scrambled and he ended up in my half guard. I again had the Kimura but did not have the opportunity/position to crank it. His position was dominant to mine and he scored points.
I should have changed positions and tried another strategy but I lost track of the time and the match was over. It was fun, I felt I was prepared and now I have a better idea on how to adapt to sport BJJ. I am ready for the next one!

2002 Karate Memories

Click here to view these pictures larger

Monday, January 25, 2010

Grappling Tournament

In all the years I have been training I have always looked for new opportunities to learn and grow. This summer we will travel to South Korea for training and touring. In 2 weeks I will attend a Brazilian Jiu Jutsu tournament to grapple.

I used to compete regularly in karate tournaments and did quite well. I have competed all over the country and across the globe. This will be my first grappling tournament. I have been training specifically for these type of matches and feel very prepared. Most of all I am looking forward to a new way to have fun and meet new practitioners. Many of my friends have come through tournaments like this. This will be something out of my comfort zone and I am very excited. Stay tuned for the results.

Bouncer chronicles- How to hire a bouncer

When I was running my nightclub in the 70s and 80s we often started our after work play around 3am.  My shift started at 6pm where we preppe...