Filial Piety
This is a huge concept in Korea. This is the Japanese version. The Warrior’s Filial Piety – Honoring Your Parents and Ancestors Most cultures have a version of what is called filial piety which represents the concept of honoring your parents and ancestors; and in the martial arts culture your teacher, your sempai or those senior to you, as well as your kohai or those lower than you. Basically, filial piety means to be good to one’s parents; to take care of one’s parents; to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one’s parents and ancestors; to perform the duties of one’s job well so as to obtain the material means to support parents as well as carry out sacrifices to the ancestors; not be rebellious, show love, respect and support; display courtesy; ensure male heirs, uphold fraternity among brothers; wisely advise one’s parents, including dissuading them from moral unrighteousness; and display sorrow for the...