F alse E xpectations A ppearing R eal In my opinion your mind is a great asset or liability in martial arts training and combat. How many times have we doubted ourselves when we truly had all the tools to take care of business but not the confidence to follow through. I have had tournament experiences where I was psyched out and I know I was the better martial artist and times when I was bouncing in the nightclub and instinct took over and the battle was actually won before the first punch was thrown because of my level of confidence. Training your mind to kick into gear is a multi pronged approach. Visualize the victory assume it will go just as you plan Be mad that someone would not treat you respectfully Don't be compassionate- some people deserve a beating. The "woofing" that is going on should be like listening in a different language. The words have no meaning. Don't let the gesturing/physical intimidation get to you. If they get too clos...