Monday, August 15, 2005


This past weekend I was the best man for a longtime friend. Steve Best and I have known each other since we were 18 years old. He is one of the hardest working Black Belts I have ever seen. He has inspired me to always do better than I think I can and to always do the right thing as a friend.

At age 31, while doing forms at a graduation he suffered a major stroke. He was at deaths door but somehow found the strength to fight off this challenger. That stroke changed his life and challenged him as a fighter in many new ways. He continues to do martial arts, teaching and training. He even performs in tournaments in the handi-capable division with his cane and hi-level intensity.

One of my favorite saying is "When life gives you lemons; make lemonade."

Here's to you Master Best!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What a Black Belt class last night.
It was our monthly street clothes class, where we put everything into a street combat situation. It was grueling. At the end of training and all the fights, I was tired. At age 52 I guess it may be a little tougher to hang with the twenty year olds.I will just have to train harder to overcome the aches, pains, bumps and bruises.
Only one other point. I love it. I never feel more alive until after the hard and serious training with a group of people that has such a high respect for each other.A little fun tomorrow night. I will bring the advanced class to the lake for some beach training!
All the best!
Mr B
Mike Bogdanski's Martial Arts

Bouncer chronicles- How to hire a bouncer

When I was running my nightclub in the 70s and 80s we often started our after work play around 3am.  My shift started at 6pm where we preppe...